Counting Milestones

Counting Milestones
5 1/2 years have flown by filled with love, “adventures” and experiences only God knew I needed.

Being a grandparent in a multi-generation home can be challenging at times, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Every morning a little one hugs me good morning and says “I love you Gaga” and every night he runs in my room, climbs in my bed and gives me the best hugs good night or asks if he can read books with me that night.

In between, the days are filled with moments that bless my heart, challenge my patience and keep me on my toes!

Today, we celebrate one of the many milestones we hope to experience with him - VPK Graduation! It’s one of those moments that make you sit and reflect on the journey so far and try to hold back the tears.

God wraps up his greatest blessings in the heart of a child and he outdid himself with this one!

I love you, B!

Strengthening the Family Dynamic with Boundaries

Strengthening the Family Dynamic with Boundaries

When you live with multiple generations under one roof, boundaries are extremely important. As a grandparent living with my grandson and his parents, I find myself stepping over the boundaries discussed with my daughter and son-in-law regarding their parenting decisions with their son. Let’s face it…sometimes I leap over those boundaries!

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