Celebrating Christmas in 2020!

Eight years ago today, my sister and I were concerned about our mom and some symptoms she was experiencing. We convinced her to at least see her doctor.

That afternoon, she ended up in emergency surgery due to a ruptured appendix and infected abdomen. She spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital, 6 days in ICU. 

That Christmas Eve as alarms for high temperature, high heart rate and blood pressure were ringing and doctors and nurses were valiantly working to save her, I leaned over and whispered in her ear “Mom, it’s not your time yet. If you go now, Barb and I will never forgive ourselves for not making you go to the doctor sooner. We love you and need you here!”

I’d love to say the alarms stopped beeping right away, but it was several hours before things were under control. She did recover and that was the first time we ever postponed our Christmas.

Now, eight years later 2020 brings its own version of Christmas. Since we cannot all be together and because illness means presents are either not ready or have not been purchased (not everything comes from amazon), the adults have decided to postpone our Christmas. 

This morning I woke up and walked around the house with a sadness I couldn’t put my finger on and I just figured it out.

Empty stockings...

The hubs and I always had this ‘tradition’ of having special last minute shopping trips for stocking stuffers. I suppose I could do a Target pick up, but it’s not the same and this headache I have is sapping my Christmas spirit completely.

But it’s okay. Christmas will still come as it always has and joy will be restored. The gifts we give each other can wait for the time we can all celebrate as a family. Tonight, I’ll watch the Christmas Eve service from home and read the real story of Christmas before bed.

As my grandson eagerly finished our advent calendar this morning (one we’ve had since our children were his age), I was reminded by a 4 year old of the excitement that comes from finding the baby Jesus in the manger. The Christmas that will never be postponed.

I pray you all have a safe, healthy and blessed Merry Christmas!