How I travel well...

How I travel well...
We recently travelled to Virginia to attend the memorial service for my sister-in-law who passed away from ovarian cancer just before the new year. While the reason we all gathered was still sad, it was so good to see and hug family members we hadn't seen in quite awhile!

The hubs and I like to travel, but we have to take our "things." While it's not yet practical to take our own bed - we actually dreamed out loud of having an RV with our own bed - we do take our pillows and other necessary comfort items. A huge must for me, of course, are my essential oils! I do try to pare down to just the basics, but those still add up to quite a few.

They are small bottles, so it's not like they take up a lot of room, but how they help me daily is tremendous and the comfort they bring makes the trip that much more enjoyable. If you really stop to think about it, some parts of travelling to fun destinations can be very stressful whether you are stuck in a busy airport or a traffic jam on the highway! 

For this most recent trip, I also made sure we had our hand sanitizer and our own Thieves foaming hand soap for the hotel. As soon as we arrived, I grabbed the diffuser out of my bag and got it started with Thieves and Lemon. That night, the diffuser ran all night with Lavender and Cedarwood and my grandson had his sleepyize roller to help him sleep well in a room and bed that were not his! Thankfully, his momma had also packed his favorite stuffed animal, pillow and blanket!

We had a great time and , thankfully, no one came home sick! That is always a big plus. Using essential oils everyday to support a healthier and, dare I say happier, life is not hard even when you aren't home. Here's a list of my must haves for any trip (if for some reason I actually fly somewhere, I don't take the Ningxia Zyng):
     Ningxia Red, Nitro and Zyng
     Thieves Foaming Hand Soap and Thieves Spray/Hand Sanitizer
     My vitamins and supplements - I use a pill container to make it easy peazy!
     Essential oils: Frankincense, Valor, Digize, Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon, Thieves, Peace & Calming,          Deep Relief, Panaway, Tranquil, Peppermint, Copaiba, Harmony, White Angelica, Joy & Abundance            (my perfume), Kidscents Sleepyize, Geneyus and Snifflease...and a few more I'm sure!

What are your must haves when travelling?

Cross Country Road Trips and Learning About Yourself...

Cross Country Road Trips and Learning About Yourself...

1.  I love road trips! This is not new news, but I found that I'm probably the only member of my family that enjoys LONG road trips.


2.  All road trips should be taken on the backroads! This is also not new news to me, but again, no one else on my most recent trip enjoyed the backroads and their lack of 'civilization' and the abundance of quirky things to stop and experience/photograph.