Loving the Multi-Generation Grandma Life!

Loving the Multi-Generation Grandma Life!
Living in a multi-generation home comes with it's own set of pros and cons. Someone is always needing to do laundry or wondering whose turn it is to cook dinner or take out the trash...you know the drill. 

On the plus side, you can never really feel lonely with a full house! Sometimes it feels like Thanksgiving every night - that is if we actually cook a full meal. And it's nice to be able to just hug them and not have to wait for a weekend or holiday.

One of the pros I love most about living in our multi-generation home is seeing my grandson every day! There are even nights when his parents allow me the honor of reading bedtime stories and tucking him in for the night.

Of course, he picks the books. Tonight we read a book about The Black Panther (think Avengers) and the second book was titled "Hugs for Daddy."

I almost didn't make it through the second book. I kept thinking about my dad, who would have been 82 this year! At this time 10 years ago Dad was entering the last few months of his battle with Glioblastoma (Brain cancer.) Just as I was tearing up, another thought came to me that made my heart swell with joy!

My grandson has a daddy that loves him so much. B had a big smile on his face as we read this book. His daddy may not be his birth father, but he IS his father in every way and I love watching the two of them together.

My grandson is so much like his daddy, which just shows how being present to nurture and love a child can make all the difference. So here's to you Dad and Son-in-Law..."Your hugs make the hard things easier and the great things even better."

I would love to share with you my guide - 
4 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Multi-Generation Home!

To get your free copy, just click here!

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