Finding Calm in an Anxious World
I’ve recently been listening to some talks on our Parasympathetic Nervous System. In essence, it’s our relaxation response system vs the ‘fight or flight’ response of the Sympathetic Nervous System.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System, when working properly, is designed to calm you down and prepare you to rest and restore. For many, this does not happen and they remain in a heightened state of anxiety. They feel anxious, their heart beats fast and they don’t breathe deeply. They don’t think as clearly because blood is rushing to the extremities to help them ‘fight or flee!’ They are more easily fatigued and the gut is a mess because digestion has slowed. This state of constant anxiety and stress affects everything!

In today’s talk, they discussed the use of essential oils as one method in overcoming this issue. One of the statements I found intriguing was that essential oils help the body harmonize and find its balance whereas pills and other synthetic substances manipulate the body into a response. 

When made correctly and without alteration, essential oils are adaptogens, meaning they have a unique ability to ‘adapt’ their function according to the specific needs of the body. This is one reason why each essential oil works differently for each person and why sometimes one stops working and you need to try something else. We are all different and these natural plant oils are adapting to fit our specific needs even as our bodies change.

With pills and other lab created substances, your body is constantly being manipulated to fit the required response. They have their necessary place in our lives, but what if you could safely use a natural plant to bring about the same response?

Just like your doctor told you, a pill won’t help much if you don’t change to a healthier lifestyle - more exercise/activity, less fast food and junk food and more whole foods, stop smoking and cut back on the alcohol. Essential oils are the need to put the good stuff in your body in order to get the best response. If you don’t, you’ll be taking 2 steps backward for every step you take forward no matter what you use to help your body heal and feel better.

It’s not an overnight process and it will take some work, but it will be worth it in the long run. So what can you use right now to help your body start finding that calm balance? Here’s a recipe shared today for a relaxing bath.

3 drops Lavender EO
2 drops Roman Chamomile EO
2 drops Ylang Ylang EO
1 drop Lemon EO
1 cup plain Epsom Salts
1 Tbsp Jojoba Oil
1 Tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix essential oils with Jojoba oil and add mixture to epsom salts and ACV. Mix well and pour into warm bath under running water. Enjoy your calm, relaxing bath!

If you don’t have essential oils and want to know more, let me know! I can help with that. For my latest newsletter, text ‘Nov2020’ to 904-506-1300.


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