Celebrating Life & Finding Joy
October 31st was his due date, but God had other plans he didn’t share with the ob/gyn. When that day came and went plus a few more, they decided to induce as the ‘little munchkin’ was getting big. November 7th, 2 days before 'his day.'

What does that mean, you ask, "His day...?" November 9th, 2010 is the day my father passed away from Glioblastoma- brain cancer. November 9th was his day, the day we all knew we would be especially emotional because Poppy meant so much to our family. And who am I kidding... we are weepy the whole week - not that dad would approve.

November 7th they start inducing labor and things progress slowly. As the doctor tries different things to help the process along, November 7th becomes November 8th and then November 9th. My daughter and I look at each other realizing the possibility. As labor progresses, problems arise. The baby’s heart rate is dropping as the contractions increase but her body is not ready to deliver. 

After one final 10 minute ‘wait and see’, the doc and 4 nurses walk in and we know. They need to deliver him now! They are going to take her for a c-section but as the doctor is checking her one last time, her body dilates 2cm and he says she’s ready! The baby’s heart rate drops dangerously low and I could tell something was wrong as 3 more people entered the room - 2 nurses and a nicu doctor. My daughter was quickly prepped and was pushing in less than a minute. With the help of the vacuum extractor, Benjamin’s head was out in less than 3 mins and then the doc sternly and loudly said ‘stop!

Everyone froze except one nurse standing next to him. The cord was wrapped around B’s neck twice and his face was blue! The doctor freed the cord and B was born bluer than my jeans 5 minutes after the doc said "she's ready!" I was holding my daughter’s hand and couldn’t move. Surely B would be ok...not this baby, not today! I heard “Is he okay? He’s not crying! IS HE OKAY?

I walked over to where they were working on him...3 of them hovering around the table suctioning, rubbing and holding oxygen over his face. And then a faint cry which got louder as they kept working! His mother erupted in tears of joy and I finally thought to take photos again, tears streaming down my face. They weighed him, 8lbs 15oz, and placed him on his mother’s chest saying ‘he looks perfect’ adding that the conehead is from the vacuum extraction and will diminish over time.

He was perfect and was born on the perfect day. The day his namesake left this earth, God sent us the most beautiful gift to heal wounds and fill voids to overflowing! November 9th is Benjamin’s birthday...and a rebirth of a joy we didn’t know we were missing! And just because God has plans beyond our comprehension, due to jaundice Benjamin and Rebecca did not come home from the hospital until November 13th, the same date we celebrated Poppy’s life 6 years prior.

Poppy will always be remembered and losing him will always bring tears and sorrow, but Benjamin Xavier brings celebration and joy on the same day! And little boy, we will celebrate! This year, 2020, marks 10 years since we lost my dad and 4 years celebrating the best birthday!

“I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13


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