For My Son...
34 years ago today, I became a mom for the first time! I was overwhelmed with both the love I felt for you and the fear at not being enough!

I didn’t know a thing about taking care of a baby and watched the nurse give you your first bath at 3am in a small room with a sink and a table. She knew I was clueless.

I was afraid I would break you...but I didn’t.

There were many days I would just sit and hold you in my lap so I could watch you sleep. Later on it was to watch your beautiful smile and expressive face.

I still love to watch you as you interact with others. I love your smile and the gleam in your eye that is a wonderful combination of your dad and grandpa.

Your laughter is genuinely contagious.

You have a wonderful combination of a genuine compassion for others and the intelligent communication skills to express your thoughts.

Just in case you didn’t know this already, I love you son!

Being chosen to be your mom and watching you become the man you are today is one of the greatest blessings I’ve had the pleasure of receiving.

Happy Happy Birthday!!


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